A very powerful feature of Embperl is the processing of dynamic
tables. This feature was designed mainly to display Perl arrays (one
or two dimensional, regular and irregular), but can also be used in
other ways.
[- @a = ( 'A', 'B', 'C') ; -]
<TD> [+ $a[$row] +] </TD>
</TABLE> The above example simply displays a table with three rows
containing A, B and C. The trick is done by using the magical variable $row which contains
the row count and is incremented for every row. The table ends if the
expression which contains $row returns <undef>. The same can be done
with $col for columns and $cnt can be used if you need a table which
wraps after a certain number of elements. This works with table/select/menu/ol/dl/dir
Here is a simple DBI example that displays the result of a query
as a two dimension table, with field names as headings in the
first row: [-
# connect to database
$dbh = DBI->connect($DSN) ;
# prepare the sql select
$sth = $dbh -> prepare ("SELECT * from $table") ;
# execute the query
$sth -> execute ;
# get the fieldnames for the heading in $head
$head = $sth -> {NAME} ;
#continues on the next page...
# get the result in $dat
$dat = $sth -> fetchall_arrayref ;
<tr><th>[+ $head->[$col] +]</th></tr>
<tr><td>[+ $dat -> [$row][$col] +]</td></tr>