Embperl - building dynamic websites with Perl

0.11-beta March 25 1997
[ << Prev: 0.12-beta not publicly released ] [ Content ] [ Next: 0.10b-beta Jan 23 1997 >> ]
    - Name changed from Embperl to HTML::Embperl!!!!!!!!
    - FORM & ENV debug output now available in all modes
    - Output from [+  +] and INPUT fields are escaped
      (e.g. < is send as &lt; )
    - Added two-dimensional tables
    - Fixed a bug which caused an endless loop when using a \ 
    - Fixed escaping of special HTML chars above ascii code 128
    - Added support for list tags (dir, menu, ol, ul, dl)
    - Added support for textarea tag
    - Fixed some errors

[ << Prev: 0.12-beta not publicly released ] [ Content ] [ Next: 0.10b-beta Jan 23 1997 >> ]

© 1997-2023 Gerald Richter / actevy