Parameters gives addtionaly information about the current request
or the execution of the current component. So we have two sorts of
parameters Request and Component parameters. Request
parameters are automatically setup by Embperl with information
Embperl takes from the current running environment. When
Embperl is invoked via the Execute function, you can pass any of
the parameters to Execute. Component parameters mainly reflect
the parameters given to Execute .
| Method: | | $request -> param -> filename |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
Gives the filename of the file that was actualy requested.
Inside of the applications init function it can be changed
to force Embperl to serve a different file.
| Method: | | $request -> param -> unparsed_uri |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
The full unparsed_uri, includeing the query_string and the path_info.
| Method: | | $request -> param -> uri |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
The decoded path of the unparsed_uri.
| Method: | | $request -> param -> server_addr |  | | Since: | | 2.0b9 |  |
URL of the server of the current request in the form
schema://addr:port/ e.g. (port is omitted if it is
an default port)
| Method: | | $request -> param -> path_info |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
The path_info, that is anything in the path after the file the is currently served.
| Method: | | $request -> param -> query_info |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
Any parameters passed in a GET request after the question mark. The hash
%fdat will contain these values in a already decoded and easy to use way.
So it's normly more convenient to use %fdat instead.
| Method: | | $request -> param -> language |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
The primary langange found in the browser Accept-Language HTTP header.
This value is used for all language-dependent functions inside Embperl.
You can set it change the selection of message returned by $request -> gettext
and [= =] .
| Method: | | $request -> param -> cookies |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
A hashref that contains all cookies send by the browser to the server.
| Method: | | $request -> param -> cgi [read only] |  | | Since: | | 2.0b12 |  |
Holds the object, which is used for file upload. If no file uploaded data
is send to the request, this member is undefined.
| Method: | | $component -> param -> inputfile [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
Give the name of the file that should be processed, e.g. Execute({inputfile => 'mysource.epl'}) ; There is a shortcut when you only need to give the input file
and no other parameters. The above is will do the same as: Execute('mysource.epl') ;
| Method: | | $component -> param -> outputfile [read only] |  | | Default: | | STDOUT |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
Specify a file to which the output should be written. Example: Execute({inputfile => 'mysource.epl',
outputfile => 'myoutput.htm'}) ;
| Method: | | $component -> param -> input [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
This parameter is used, when you have the source already in memory.
You should pass a reference to a scalar that contains the source.
Addtionaly you should give the inputfile parameter, to allow
Embperl caching to keep track of different in memory sources.
The mtime parameter is used to tell Embperl's cache if
the source has change since the last call or not. If mtime
if undef or of a different value as it was during the last
call, the source is considered to be changed and everything
is recompiled. Example: # Get source from scalar
# Don't forget to modify mtime if $src changes
$src = '<html><head><title>Page [+ $no +]</title></head>' ;
Embperl::Execute ({ inputfile => 'some name',
input => \$src,
mtime => 1 }) ;
| Method: | | $component -> param -> output [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
Gives the possibility to write the output into a scalar
instead of sending it to stdout or a file. You should give
a reference to a scalar. Example: Execute({inputfile => 'mysource.epl',
output => \$out}) ;
| Method: | | $component -> param -> sub [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.2.0 |  |
Call the given Embperl subroutine defined with [$sub$] inside the page.
A shortcut for this is to append the name of the subroutine after the
filename with a hash sign, so the following calls are doing the same thing: Execute('mysource.epl#mysub') ;
Execute({inputfile => 'mysource.epl',
sub => 'mysub'}) ; If you leave out the filename, the sub is called in the current file, so
this can only be used inside a file that is already processed by Embperl.
| Method: | | $component -> param -> subreq |  | | Since: | | 2.0b8, Apache 2.x |  |
This utilizies Apache 2.0 filters to retrieve the output of a sub-request
and uses it as input for the current component. For example if you have
a CGI-Script and you need to post process it via Embperl or simply
want to include it's output in another Embperl/Embperl::Object document
you can write: [- Execute ({subreq => '/cgi-bin/script.cgi'}) -] NOTE: You have to specify a URI and not a filename!
| Method: | | $component -> param -> import [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.3.0 |  |
A value of one tells Embperl to define the subrountines inside the file (if not already
done) and to import them as perl subroutines into the current namespace. See [$ sub $] metacommand and section about subroutines for more info. A value of zero tells Embperl to simply precompile all code found in the page.
(With 2.0 it is not necessary anymore to do it before using the sub parameter
on a different file).
| Method: | | $component -> param -> firstline [read only] |  | | Default: | | 1 |  | | Since: | | 1.2.0 |  |
Specifies the first linenumber of the sourcefile.
| Method: | | $component -> param -> mtime [read only] |  | | Default: | | undef |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
Last modification time of parameter input. If undef the code passed
by input is always recompiled, else the code is only recompiled if
mtime changes.
| Method: | | $component -> param -> param [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
Can be used to pass parameters to the Embperl document and back. Must contain
a reference to an array. Example: Execute({inputfile => 'mysource.epl',
param => [1, 2, 3]}) ;
Execute({inputfile => 'mysource.epl',
param => \@parameters}) ; There is a shortcut, so the following code the aquivalent (NOTE: Don't use a
array ref here): Execute('mysource.epl', 1, 2, 3) ;
Execute('mysource.epl', @parameters) ; The array @param in the Embperl document is setup as an alias to the array.
See eg/x/ for a more detailed example.
| Method: | | $component -> param -> fdat [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
Pass a hash reference to customly set %fdat. If ffld is not given, ffld will
be set to keys %fdat .
| Method: | | $component -> param -> ffld [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.0.0 |  |
Pass a array reference to customly set @fdat. Does not affect %fdat .
| Method: | | $component -> param -> object [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.3.2 |  |
Takes a filename and returns an hashref that is blessed into the package of
the given file. That's useful, if you want to call the subs inside the
given file, as methods. By using the isa parameter (see below) you
are able to provide an inherence tree. Additionally you can use the returned
hashref to store data for that object. Example: [# the file eposubs.htm defines two subs: txt1 and txt2 #]
[# first we create a new object #]
[- $subs = Execute ({'object' => 'eposubs.htm'}) -]
[# then we call methods inside the object #]
txt1: [+ $subs -> txt1 +] <br>
txt2: [+ $subs -> txt2 +] <br>
| Method: | | $component -> param -> isa [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.3.2 |  |
Takes a name of a file and pushes the package of that file into the @ISA
array of the current file. By using this you can setup an inherence tree
between Embperl documents. Is is also useful within Embperl::Object.
Example: [! Execute ({'isa' => '../eposubs.htm'}) !]
| Method: | | $component -> param -> errors [read only] |  | | Since: | | 1.3.0 |  |
Takes a reference to an array. Upon return, the array will contain a copy of
all errormessages, if any.
| Method: | | $component -> param -> xsltparam |  | | Default: | | %fdat |  | | Since: | | 2.0b6 |  |
Takes a reference to hash which contains key/value pair that are accessible inside
the stylesheet via <xsl:param>.