Embperl - building dynamic websites with Perl

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The functions and methods expect the named data structures as follows:


The $rules array contains a list of tests to perform. Alls the given tests are process sequenzially. You can group tests together, so when one test fails the remaining tests of the same group are not processed and the processing continues in the next outer group with the next test.

    -key        => 'lang',
    -name       => 'Language'
    required    => 1,
    length_max  => 5,
    -key        => 'from',
    -type       => 'EMail',
    emptyok     => 1,

    -key        => ['foo', 'bar']
    required    => 1,

All items starting with a dash are control elements, while all items without a dash are tests to perform.




gives the key in the passed form data hash which should be tested. -key is normally the name given in the HTML name attribute within a form field. -key can also be a arrayref, in which case only one of the given keys must satisfy the following test to succeed.




same as -key and -break => 1 without reseting name -name and -msg.




is a human readable name that should be used in error messages. Can be hash with multiple languages, e.g.

    -name => { 'en' => 'date', 'de' => 'Datum' }



specfify to not use the standard tests, but the ones for a special type. For example there is a type Number which will replace all the comparisons by numeric ones instead of string comparisons. You may add your own types by writing a module that contains the necessary test and dropping it under Embperl::Form::Validate::<Typename>. The -type directive also can verify that the given data has a valid format for the type.

The following types are available:




This one is used when no type is specified. It contains all the standard tests.




Input must be a floating point number.




Input must be a integer number.




Input must be a integer number and greater or equal zero.




Input must be the time in the format hh::mm




Input must be the time in the format hh::mm:ss




Input must be a number followed by s, m, h, d or w.




Input must be a valid email address including a top level domain e.g. user@example.com




Input must be a valid email address, no top level domain is required, so user@foo is also valid.




Input must be an ip-address in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn




Input must be an ip-address and network mask in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/mm




Input must be an ip-address or an fqdn (host.domain)




This used together with required and causes Embperl::Form::Validate to test of a selected index != 0 instead of a non empty input.

If you write your own type package, make sure to send them back, so they can be part of the next distribution.




Used to give messages which should be used when the test fails. This message overrides the standard messages provided by Embperl::Form::Validate and by Embperl's message management. Can also be a hash with messages for multiple languages. The -msg parameter must precede the test for which it should be displayed. You can have multiple different messages for different tests, e.g.

	-key        => 'email',
	-name       => 'E-Mail-Address',
	emptyok     => 1,                   # it's ok to leave this field empty (in this case the following tests are skipped)
	-msg => 'The E-Mail-Address is invalid.',
	matches_regex => '(^[^ <>()@¡-ÿ]+@[^ <>()@¡-ÿ]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$)', 
	-msg => 'The E-Mail address must contain a "@".',
	must_contain_one_of => '@',
	-msg => 'The E-Mail address must contain at least one period.',
	must_contain_one_of => '.',



stops further validation of any rule after the first error is found




continues validation in the same group, also a error was found


-break => 1


errors only break current block, but does not display any message. -break => 0 turns bak to normal behaviour. This can be used for preconditions:

    -key => 'action',  emptyok => 1, -break => 1, ne => 0, -break => 0,
    -key => 'input', 'required' => 1

The above example will only require the field "input", when the field "action" is not empty and is not zero.


-key_check, -key_end


Is used for preconditions, same example as for -break

    -key => 'input', 
    -key_check => 'action', emptyok => 1, ne => 0, -key_end,
    'required' => 1

The above example will only require the field "input", when the field "action" is not empty and is not zero.




The following rules will only executed in the backend




The following rules will only executed in the fronend




you can place a arrayref with tests at any point in the rules list. The array will be considered as a group and the default is the stop processing of a group as soon as the first error is found and continue with processing with the next rule in the next outer group.

The following test are currently defined:
















Value must be the same as in field given as argument. This is useful if you want for example verify that two passwords are the same. The Text displayed to the user for the second field may be added to the argument separated by a colon. Example:

  $epf = Embperl::Form::Validate -> new (
            -key => 'pass',  -name => 'Password', required => 1, length_min => 4,
            -key => 'pass2', -name => 'Repeat Password', required => 1, length_min => 4,
                             same => 'pass:Password',
        'passform') ; 













Value must match Perl regular expression. Only executed on server side.




Value must match JavaScript regular expression. Only executed on client side. IMPORTANT: If the user has disabled JavaScript in his browser this test will be never executed. Use a corresponding Perl Regex with matches_regex to get a server side validation. Use this with care, because different browser may have different support for regular expressions.




Value must not match Perl regular expression. Only executed on server side.




Value must not match JavaScript regular expression. Only executed on client side. IMPORTANT: If the user has disabled JavaScript in his browser this test will be never executed. Use a corresponding Perl Regex with not_matches_regex to get a server side validation. Use this with care, because different browser may have different support for regular expressions.












Checkbox must be selected




Checkbox must not be selected


The $pref hash (reference) contains information about a single form request or submission, e.g. the browser version, which made the request or submission and the language in which the error messages should be returned. See also validate


For a descriptions of the error codes, validate is returning see validate


See also Embperl.

 my $fdat = { foo => 'foobar',
	      bar => 'baz', 
	      baz => 49, 
	      fnord => 1.2 };

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