Embperl - building dynamic websites with Perl

0.23-beta 31 Dec 1997
[ << Prev: 0.25-beta 17 Feb 1998 ] [ Content ] [ Next: 0.22-beta 28 Dec 1997 >> ]
   - Fixed a bug which caused $req_rec to be not defined anymore (Thanks to
     Todd R. Eigenschink for the hint and debugging)
   - Fixed a bug in escaping special HTML char to normal ascii (Thanks to
     Todd R. Eigenschink for the hint)  	
   - Makefile.PL now sets the path to your Perl binary in embpexec.pl and
     embpexec.test.pl, so that it works regardless of where your Perl is located
     (Thanks to Randall Schwartz for the hint)
   - Added the SSLDisable to the test config when running an httpsd. (Thanks
     to David Scott for the hint and Ralf S. Engelschall for the Syntax)
   - Fixed a bug in <META> tag interpretation which was causing random errors 
     when not compiled for mod_perl

[ << Prev: 0.25-beta 17 Feb 1998 ] [ Content ] [ Next: 0.22-beta 28 Dec 1997 >> ]

© 1997-2023 Gerald Richter / actevy