Embperl - building dynamic websites with Perl

2.0.0 14. August 2005
[ << Prev: 2.0.1 3. October 2005 ] [ Content ] [ Next: 2.0rc5 7. August 2005 >> ]
   - http headers from %http_headers_out will now also be send when the
     init method of an application object return non zero (e.g. 302 for redirect).
   - Updated xsl stylesheet and css styles of website for better display
     of code sections.
   - Updated db/epwebapp.pl to make it more robust and fix some minor bugs
     and also allows to set edit and view_level (anonymous, login, admin)
     for every table.

[ << Prev: 2.0.1 3. October 2005 ] [ Content ] [ Next: 2.0rc5 7. August 2005 >> ]

© 1997-2023 Gerald Richter / actevy